Ah ciao! Some people have-ah told me, Gabriele, ciao. And then I say, ah-ciao! And then they say, Ciao! And then I say do you want an espresso? And they say, No, Gabriele, we have something to tell you. So they tell me, Gabriele...tell us more about Jazione so we can help you find-ah him!
Prego! I say. Brilliant! He was a brown-ah haired man. He spoke a little Italiano, due, tre, quattro words. He was a painter and would-ah paint-ah nudes. Once I told him, Ciao, Jazione, do you want-ah paint-ah me? And he said, Ciao, Gabriele, no, prego. And I was a sad-ah.
Has anyone seen this-ah man? I have a drawn a picture of him above. Ah, ciao!